ISO9001:2008 is the internationally recognised standard for the quality management of businesses. It applies to the processes that create and control the products and services an organisation supplies. It prescribes systematic control of activities to ensure that the needs and expectations of customers are met. It is designed and intended to apply to virtually any product or service, made by any process anywhere in the world.
Implementing a Quality Management System motivates staff by defining their key roles and responsibilities. It provides cost savings through improved efficiency and productivity, as product or service deficiencies are highlighted. This results in less waste, inappropriate or rejected work and fewer complaints.
Our ISO9001 certification, from an accredited certification body, shows commitment to quality, customers, and a willingness to work towards improving efficiency. It also demonstrates the existence of an effective quality management system that satisfies the rigours of an independent, external audit.
We became ISO9001:2008 certified in October 2005. Our quality manual and document control has been developed further in order to meet demands from expansion and client requirements. All members of staff have access to the document control and it has become common practice. We proactively approach all aspects of day to day business.
Auditing has become a regular occurrence. Communication and compliance is part of corporate responsibility within the organisation and its stakeholders.
The ISO9001:2008 standard will be re-certified in October 2014 and we complete external audits every six months with ISOQAR.
Comments made by the ISOQAR Auditor, in the last audit, include: ‘The audit team concludes that the organisation HAS established and maintained its management system in line with the requirements of the standard(s) and demonstrated to the audit team that it has the ability to systematically achieve the requirements for products and or services within the scope of its activities and in accordance with its policy and objectives.’